From the sound of things, residents have had enough.
Infuriated lower Manhattan residents went ballistic on Zuccotti Park protesters at a chaotic Community Board 1 meeting tonight while blasting politicians for allowing the siege to continue without any end in sight.Naturally, the charming protesters were heard.
"They are defecating on our doorsteps," fumed Katherine Hughes, a stay at home mom who has the misfortune of living one block from the chaos. "A lot of people are very frustrated. A lot of people are concerned about the safety of our kids."
Fed up homeowners said that they've been subjected to insults and harassment as they trek to their jobs each morning. "The protesters taunt people who are on their way to work," said James Fernandez, 51, whose apartment overlooks the park.
Board member Paul Cantor said that residents are fed up with the incessant racket that emanates from the protest at all hours. "It's mostly a noise issue," he said. If people can't sleep and children can't sleep because the protesters are banging drums then that's a problem."
The line to speak at the standing room only meeting spilled out of the board's office and onto the street outside where Zuccotti sympathizers sparred with angry residents. One elderly woman told a protester to stop screaming and was met with an even higher volume. "Get some earplugs!," retorted David Stano. "This is the street. I can say whatever I want! I can't calm down, I've been struggling for 30 years!"As if it's her problem this loser has struggled for 30 years.
ERm.. I do agree with you wholeheartedly but is it Stano or Spano? I would hate to call this Stano piece of work a dirty, filthy hippie if he doesn't deserve it.
"He's quite popular with the law down in Florida." Yeah you make it sound like he's some wreckless gangbanger trying to get in trouble all that time with that insinuous line, huh? Driving on a suspended license - gee, like we ALL can't relate to the clusterf*ck with THAT department. Are you seriously condemning HIM as some lowlife felon, but not the ridiculous system WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS WITH? A system that it's easy to get a license if you're illegal, hard as nails if you're a citizen that made ONE mistake. As a fellow 30 year old youth, I'd agree that it's a struggle to make sense of just what the minds of today are doing to each other.
Oh, and btw, while you're patting the Florida police on the back, don't forget to congratulate them on a job well done - OF GETTING HIS DATA WRONG IN THE SYSTEM! JEEZ! He's been in the system with the correct birthdate what, 6 times, and they botch it the most recent time - when they give him a FELONY AND A BOND! Good job, indeed. I bet Nascar and beer is also 'quite popular with the law down in Florida', too.
It's time for the residents of Zucotti park to band together and tell these kids to get off their lawn.
mmm....they're all probably voted for Obama...see if I care...
30 year old youth? Are you kidding me? Listen you sniveling little punk, "youths" much younger than you moved out of Moms basement long ago and have done great things.
As opposed to your "struggle" to defend another sniveling punk lashing out at any who are unlike yourself and trying to continue life (a REAL struggle given your fellow punk in the WH), and accosted by the pathetic dregs of society.
Ask mommy for help with the big words, you likely need it.
The Zuccotti Park Area residents are getting precisely what they deserve. The are the same fools who voted big time for Obama and local thugs like Jerry Nadler.
You earned the stench, fools. Enjoy it for the next 13 months until Election Day. Zuccotti Park Area Residents will then all vote for Obama and Nadler, just like the OWS zombies.
Yeah, he seems like a great person deep down, with all those separate mug shots.
If it looks like a mob, and acts like a mob...
Can someone tell me how many similar complaints there were about Tea Party goers? There weren't any beause the participants have respect for others and their property. A good number of the Occupiers are disrespectful of others, selfish, and treat each other horribly considering the reports of thefts, rape, anti-Semitism Yet the MSM portrays them as heroes and portrayed Tea Party goers as nasty, stupid people.
Did no one notice the linked story mentions David Spano, not David Stano? Come on! You google a name, find some petty criminal in FL who has a similar name and now he's the face of OWS? Total, dishonest BS.
From what I can see the only difference between the protesters and the porta potties in the area is that both are filled with shit daily but only one works the way it's supposed to and actually gets cleaned regularly. Other than that? Perhaps the TEA Party should be compared to the PEE Party movement a bit more positively?
OWS isn't is a populist movement - OWS is a socio-political bowel movement.
The progressives/Democrats are defecating on the working people of these "Occupied" cities: The rich, middle-class and poor alike.
By its own admission, an organized group of people have occupied areas of American cities. The residents and workers in the occupied zones are being harrassed, assulted and subjected to disgusting and disturbing behaviors and actions. And the occupations are escalating.
All this while the "government" sits back with a huge smile on its bloated, sticky face and refuses to lift a finger to help the residents of the occupied areas.
And our president Obama repetedly makes clear his support.. of the occupiers and those behind them.
Disgusting, disturbing, and setting a very dangerous precedent.
I've been calling them the Occupy Bowel Movement for weeks :-) When I read this story about the irate residents, all I could think was "that's what they get for electing Democrats." If it weren't for Jerrold Nadler and associated POS Dems, this thing would have died before it got going good. All those elected Dems on the local and U.S. House level down there should be scared shitless.
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