Sunday, December 09, 2007

'Teddy Bear' Teacher Feared Prison Rape

Now that she's back in the UK, it appears Gillian Gibbons is soaking in her celebrity status.

She might want to consider fading into obscurity before long. At the rate she's going, she'll be thanking the Islamic goons for locking her up.
The teacher imprisoned in the Sudan for naming a teddy bear Mohammed has told how she feared being raped by her guards during her incarceration.

Gillian Gibbons, who was arrested when a school secretary complained to the authorities two months after the stuffed toy was named by pupils at Unity High School in Khartoum, said her greatest worry was that her guards would "teach the blaspheming white woman a lesson".

"That was my worst terror - that they would come in and teach me a lesson by raping me or that they would hit me," she said.
Pathetically, she still blames herself for the whole fiasco and slobbers over her time in the Sudanese hellhole.
Despite her ordeal, Ms Gibbons harbours no hostility or regrets, describing her time in the Sudan as "wonderful" and blaming herself for the "misunderstanding".

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