
Thursday, January 08, 2009

'She Does Not Have Much Political, I Mean, Legislative Experience, Which is a Minus'

She has zero legislative experience, in other words, and is wholly unqualified to be a United States Senator. Heck, one could argue she isn't qualified to be a PTA member at this point. But she was born a Kennedy, Obama likes her, she's a world record-holder for the number of times a person has said "you know" in one minute and isn't that all that matters to Democrats?
Gov. David Paterson said for the first time Thursday that Caroline Kennedy's lack of legislative experience is a "minus" to her qualifications as a possible appointee to the U.S. Senate.

But the governor, who will appoint a new senator if Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes secretary of state as expected, also said Kennedy has many positives despite never holding elective office.

"Caroline Kennedy obviously does have a tremendous relationship with (President-elect Barack Obama) that's certainly a plus," Paterson said Thursday. "She does not have much political, I mean, legislative experience, which is a minus."

The Democratic governor said as many as 15 contenders are interested and he's already spoken to or interviewed about 10.

He said Kennedy's advantages include her name and contacts in Washington — including her uncle, Sen. Edward Kennedy — that could give her immediate clout, much like former first lady Clinton.
Governor-by-Accident Paterson ought to just be done with the sham and appoint her. What is he afraid of? Her completely tanking and taking him down with her?

Man up, Dave, and be done with the charade. The world is waiting to laugh at you.

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