The pathetic joke that is Kofi Annan has suddenly been alerted to UN corruption and gets right on the case.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, reacting to an article in The Washington Times, asked U.N. investigators yesterday to look into claims of fraud, favoritism and intimidation inside the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
The DESA division, responsible for promoting accountability and good governance in member states, has used contributions from the Italian government to fund duplicative programs and unnecessary consultants, many of which benefit Italy or its nationals, The Times reported.
The story also said the department had made unusual use of contractors and taken relevant information off its Web site after reporters began asking questions. It said DESA staffers have complained about intimidation.
"The secretary-general's office has asked [the Office of Internal Oversight Services] to look into allegations raised this morning in the press," said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for Mr. Annan. He refused to specify which areas Mr. Annan is concerned about.
This after stonewalling for years over the Oil For Food scandal, the $64 billion swindle perpetrated under his watch. Only the greatest financial scandal in recorded history.
He didn't do a damn thing, and on his way out he takes a swipe at the United States. This criminal should be facing a jury, not getting awards and accolades.
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