Democrats seek tougher action on Iraq.
Not quite. By tougher measures, they mean cutting off funds as soon as possible.
WASHINGTON - Tired of waiting for an opportunity to try to stop the war in Iraq, some Democrats say they want to use legislation approving billions of dollars in war spending to insist that President Bush not send more troops.OK, so they want to spend billions to not fight? What do they plan to do with it? Buy lots of white flags so they can show our good intentions?
Others want to use the spending measure to bring the troops home by a certain date.
All the cowards are lined up for this one.
"The longer we delay taking action, the greater the failure in Iraq and the larger the cost in American blood and treasure," said Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., who supports legislation that would cap the number of troops allowed in Iraq.I support a cap on the number of waitresses the Sandwich King is allowed to assault.
Meanwhile, Saint Barack wants definitive timetables. Being such a military expert, he clearly knows our enemies will lay down their arms when we leave by a specific date. He's fresh, clean, exciting, and braindead.
Sen. Barack Obama said he would push his legislation ordering troops out of Iraq by March 2008.True, it's not symbolic. It's totally idiotic. A regular groundswell, with two House members supporting it.
"This is not a symbolic vote," Obama, D-Ill., said of his proposal, which is backed by two House Democrats. "This is what I think has the best chance of bringing our troops home."
Now what would a story on fecklessness be without hearing from our boy Lerch?
Sen. John Kerry, who drafted a similar proposal, said Congress' actions will be watched carefully by voters headed to the polls in 2008.Forget about winning, doing the right thing, and protecting ourselves well into the future. It's all about the next election.
"If the Congress is going to procrastinate, if they refuse to debate the most important issue of our time ... then that is going to be clear issue in the context of '08," said Kerry, D-Mass.
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