
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Australia PM: Al-Qaeda Praying for Obama Win

Hmm. He's not even on the Clinton payroll.
In a strongly worded foray into US politics today, Mr Howard said an Obama victory in the presidential election would be disastrous for the war on terrorism.

"I think he's wrong. I think that will just encourage those who want to completely destabilise and destroy Iraq, and create chaos and a victory for the terrorists to hang on and hope for an Obama victory," Mr Howard said on Channel 9.

"If I were running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats."
As Allahpundit points out, Howard notes March 2008, which is the date Obama wants troops out of Iraq.
Senator Obama has introduced a bill to remove US combat forces from Iraq by March 31 next year - but the legislation has virtually no chance of becoming law while George W Bush is president, and the presidential election is not until November 2008.
However you want to frame the argument, you know our enemies are rooting for the Democrat, whoever it may be.

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