
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sniveling Arkin Scurries for Cover

The putrid pissant William Arkin just doesn't know when to shut his piehole. Having buried himself last week with his outrageous smear of our troops, now he's whining like a baby since he been exposed for the fraud he is.
The torrents of other mail -- biting, fanatical, threatening -- represent the worst of polarized and hate-filled America. I'm not complaining about being criticized or being made the latest punching bag for those who subsist off of high-volume conquest. Nor am I apologizing for addressing, however imperfectly, the questions I did last week, nor for being critical of the military.
It's the Arkins of the world, the far-left fringe rabble who parade around with Communist front groups like Code Pink at their anti-America rallies, who have polarized America with their hatred, not those in the miltary or on the right. So that dog don't hunt, so to speak.

So now like the sniveling coward that he is, he's going to cut and run.
I not only have to be true to myself and what I believe and adhere to the facts, but I also have to be mindful of the power of the pen. In that spirit, I'll give myself and my readers a break.
Shutting up for a couple of days, that would be a nice break.

O'Reilly got into the fray last night, so now more people are on to this twerp.

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