Friday, March 09, 2007

Democrats Cave on Fox Debate

For some strange reason, the crazy people consider a debate in front of a limited audience as some kind of victory. They're not called the nutroots for nothing.
The Nevada State Democratic Party is pulling out of a controversial presidential debate scheduled for Aug. 14 in Reno and co-hosted by Fox News, according to Democratic insiders.

The debate was being hosted by Fox News Channel and Fox News Radio, the Nevada State Democratic Party and the Western Majority Project.

A Fox spokeswoman didn’t immediately return a call for comment.
Let's see how long it would take for these sniveling maggots to whine like babies if Fox simply ignored them and didn't cover the Democrats. Frankly, it would be a breath of fresh air if my television wasn't soiled by their presence.

Others laughing at the Democrats: Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Protein Wisdom, Sister Toldjah, Right Voices, Ace of Spades HQ, and Riehl World View.

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