
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Democrats Launch 'Adopt a Gitmo Detainee' Program

You just can never underestimate the Democrats and their ability to undermine national security. Not satisfied with keeping the world's most feral human debris safely locked up on an island prison, now they want to import the terrorists onto our shores.

Ironically, they don't have any problem with Fidel Castro keeping his citizens prisoner on the island. Castro they like. It's Bush they hate.
Key House Democrats plan to insist the Pentagon shut down the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and are contemplating the relocation of many of the 385 or so remaining terrorist suspects to military brigs along the East Coast -- including Quantico, Va., and Charleston, S.C.

"It sets us back in the war on terrorism to be maintaining Guantanamo," said Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), who's heading an investigation of the facility for the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

"It will enhance our reputation to close it down and to apply our system of justice to all of these detainees," he added.

After two trips to Guantanamo, Moran told The Politico that he's recommending Congress cut funding to the detention center at the end of summer 2008. The men held there should then be released, tried or moved to the United States, he said.
Where Moran surely would allow them to register to vote, just in time for the 2008 elections.

Yet to be divulged by Jim Moran, Super Genius, is a plan to allow each of Gitmo's 385 detainees to be adopted by a Congressional district of their choice. For example, since Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind behind 9/11, he obviously would feel most welcome in lower Manhattan, the district represented by slobbering Bush hater Jerrold Nadler.

Other fiends most surely would seek to gain entrance to the Minnesota district now led by Islamist Keith Ellison (D-CAIR). Another choice spot would be San Francisco, a hotbed of jihad supporters and home to Nancy Pelosi.

Now there may be some logistical problems, as there may not be enough districts out there in the red states that are willing to accept these poor, misguided souls who just happened to be vacationing in Afghanistan after 9/11. So most of the innocents would likely be placed together in group facilities in urban areas heavily populated by friendly Democrats.

Of course, not all Americans think this is a good idea.
A senior administration official, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, said he was puzzled by the Democrats' frequent discussion of closing Guantanamo.

"While we want to bring these guys to trial as quickly as possible, where do Democrats believe we should keep Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 plot?" the official asked. "Which American city will they choose to place America's most wanted terrorists?"
Details, details.

UPDATE: A must read from Debra Burlingame in today's Opinion Journal: Gitmo's Guerrilla Lawyers.

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