
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blackballing the Black Caucus

The Opinion Journal editorial today smacks down the Democrat Party for pandering to the far-left fringe over debates on Fox News Channel.
The Internet vigilantes would like to drum Fox News out of polite society, but it's clear from the Black Caucus episode that this isn't really about Fox. This is about who runs the Democratic Party. Ever since they came close to nominating Howard Dean for President in 2004, left-wing Web activists have tried to punish any Democrat who dares to step out of line. They tried to run Joe Lieberman out of the Party for his views on Iraq, and they want to banish California Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher because she's voted for free trade agreements.

The pitchfork carriers now want to tell elected Democratic officials which journalists they can appear in public with. Messrs. Edwards and Obama are bowing to those orders because they've decided they can only defeat Hillary Clinton by running to her left. Of course if by some miracle one of them wins the nomination, he'll be known as the candidate from in the general election too. Republicans will have fun with that one.
As I noted here, this cowardly behavior is only detrimental to the party, and such childish behavior does not auger well when you consider the fear and loathing the Democrats have for a television network, while at the same time pandering to our enemies (see Pelosi, Nancy). Fox truly is a fair and balanced network when compared to the other cable outlets, and this pathetic obsession the left has with them borders on psychotic. Organized attempts at smearing and marginalizing news outlets because you don't like their coverage is rather ominous in a free country, and the remaining adults in the Democrat Party ought to think twice about what they are doing.

More this morning from Captain's Quarters.

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