
Saturday, April 14, 2007

When Liberals Eat Their Own

Rich Lowry notes how liberals always gave Don Imus a free pass, until now. In typical fashion, they're running for the tall grass like the cowards they are.
Don Imus has to wonder where all his friends went. Just yesterday, his radio/TV show was the favorite venue of the journalistic and political elite, who delighted - or pretended to delight - in his ribald comments. Today, most of them appear shocked that Imus was ever given a show.

The unedifying Imus controversy is almost entirely a liberal conflagration, a perfect bonfire of the profanities: with journalists and politicians caught out ignoring their own standards of political correctness; with left-wing grievance-meisters doing their grim work on the mainstream media's favorite shock jock; with the culture of victimology running its ritualistic course. Armed only with the dubious loyalty of his frequent guests, Imus didn't stand a chance.
Read the rest.

I'm sure after rehabbing himself for a stretch, Imus will find a gig elsewhere. And if he goes back to trashing Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush four hours a day, the usual suspects will gleefully return.

Hypocrites all.

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