Edwards Health Plan
DETROIT — Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Thursday proposed cutting health care costs by removing patents for breakthrough drugs and requiring health insurance companies to spend at least 85 percent of their premiums on patient care. [ed. – I think payroll costs for those companies might exceed 15% unless he plans on hiring those who will do the jobs Americans won’t] #2 Actually health insurance companies spend a large portion of the premiums defending themselves in lawsuits from ambulance chasing lawyers, something Mr Edwards is very knowledgeable about.
The former North Carolina senator offered details of a universal health care proposal he released in February during an appearance at the East Riverside Health Center, a federally funded community clinic.
Edwards' plan would remove long-term patents for companies that develop breakthrough drugs and then reap large profits because of the monopolies those patents provide. He said offering cash incentives instead would allow multiple companies to produce generic and other versions of those drugs to drive down prices.
"Dealing with the health care crisis is about more than just about coverage," Edwards said. "Our health care system is entirely too expensive. We put more money into health care than any country in the industrialized world and we get one of the worst products out in the other end." [ed. – Must explain why so many foreign leaders and just regular people come to this country for treatment. I don’t see a lot of people going to Liberia or Saudi Arabia because of the outstanding health care.]
He also said his plan would require health insurance companies to spend at least 85 percent of the premiums they collect on patient care, adding that 30 percent of insurance premiums currently go toward administrative expenses and profit. He said New York, Minnesota, New Jersey, Florida already impose similar requirements.
His plan also would require that all Americans sign up for health insurance and would enact various reforms aimed at lowering administrative costs for providers and improving chronic and preventive care for patients. About 47 million people currently lack health insurance in the United States. [ed.- Does this include the 12 million here illegally?]
Edwards has faced criticism for his universal health care plan, in part because it would raise taxes and could cost $90 billion to $120 billion.
Edwards said Detroit, where General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group spend $16 billion annually on health care costs and are expected to pay $114 billion in future retiree benefits, is indicative of health care ailments felt nationwide.
"These companies and their unions made a promise to workers," he said. "And that promise was that they'd have health care coverage. And now it's time for the government to meet its share of the responsibility of ensuring that those promises are met." [ed. – Excuse me? It is time for the government to make good on promises made by companies? If that is the case my cereal was not the best tasting, most filling breakfast like the commercial said. Where do I go for redress?]
Edwards previously has proposed that employers be required to provide health coverage to workers or pay into a government fund to support insurance and allow workers to choose among plans.
A rival Democratic presidential candidate, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, has proposed to provide health care to millions of Americans and more affordable medical insurance, financed by tax increases on the wealthy.
On the Net:
That is the AP version of Edwards plan and if you follow the link you will see the REAL details. Let’s just say the AP leaves out quite a bit.
There is a 26 page pdf file that accompanies Mr Edwards proposal.
Most of it is flowery feel good type stuff but it is important to read the footnotes and look at some of the sources. Some are reputable but others, which support his arguments, are from places like democracynow.org and other such groups.
There was no evidence if he supports Tort Reform.
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