Friday, June 01, 2007

Behold, the Allah Blessed Tomato....

In case you have any doubts, the vegetable in question was "verified by the local imam". Good enough for me....

Family blessed by 'Allah' in tomato

A family from Oxford believes Allah has sent them a message by appearing in a tomato.

The Khalids, of Maidcroft Road in Cowley, have been swamped with well-wishers from the Muslim community after making the discovery while preparing a salad.

Uzma Khalid, 19, spotted what looked like Arabic writing on a segment of a tomato which she chopped in half last week.

On closer inspection she discovered the writing mirrored the word 'Allah' - written in Arabic.
She said: "I just chopped the tomato in half and thought I saw the word Allah in it.

"I thought, 'OK that's a bit weird', so I showed it to my mum and she said it definitely says Allah."

Her sister Saima, 22, said the family felt blessed by what happened and even took the tomato to be verified by a local Imam.

"For us, Allah is the saviour. Without him nothing can exist so for us this is a message to show to everyone he exists - this is a sign or a miracle."
W Zip


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