Friday, June 08, 2007

Breck Girl's Hug a Terrorist Plan

John Edwards plans to end Islamofascist terrorism by having 10,000 Peace Corps types fan out around the globe and have a dialogue with those who want to destroy us.

I think all that hairspray has seeped into his braincells.
Senator Edwards is outlining a new national security strategy that hinges on the creation of a 10,000-person civilian peace corps to stem the tide of terrorism in weak and unstable countries.
OK, so what kind of training and background will these 10,000 peacelovers have? Will they have special skills that will enable them to dissuade terrorists and convince them to lay down their arms?
The plan Mr. Edwards presented yesterday — which he dubbed "A Strategy to Shut Down Terrorists and Stop Terrorism Before It Starts" — calls for a 10,000-person "Marshall Corps" to deal with issues ranging from worldwide poverty and economic development to clean drinking water and micro-lending. He said investing in those areas would shore up weak nations and help ensure that terrorism does not take root there. That, he said, would allow the country to stop potential terrorists before they even join the ranks.
Clean drinking water! Why haan't anyone thought of this before?

Micro-lending! There's an idea. Perhaps his hedgefund could dole out some more subprime mortgages and bankrupt even more people.

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