Saturday, June 16, 2007

European Revolution On The Horizon?

Anger at Blair's 'secret deal' to sign new EU constitution
Tony Blair has been engulfed in a row over Europe after it became clear he is under huge pressure to sign a "son of constitution" treaty next week.

A leaked letter by current EU president Angela Merkel revealed that a deal is being drafted to revive almost all the controversial elements of the flopped European Constitution.
Kind of sounds like Trent Lott, The Fat Drunk, John McCain and the Amnesty Bill.
The disclosure sparked demands for a UK referendum on the new treaty - and angry claims that EU leaders were trying to smuggle in a massive new extension of Brussels power "by the back".
Yet, it was just two days ago that Blair, during a joint news conference with Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, told reporters that in his opinion, "the decisive member states agree that the rejected European constitution cannot be revived".
Today Downing Street, which has already made plain that Mr Blair will not sanction a referendum, played down the fears and insisted that the final shape of the deal was unclear.

But the Merkel letter, which was leaked in Brussels, made plain that there is already broad agreement that "much of the substance" of the defunct constitution should be resurrected.

Writing to fellow leaders as part of the pre-summit exchange of views, she said it had been agreed to drop the term " constitution" to appease those who thought the EU was taking on the trappings of a state. But that was seen as "a major concession" - and most countries wanted "as much of the substance of the Constitutional Treaty as possible" to be saved. The implication was that the constitution would be revived in all but name, but this time without voters getting a choice.
Hmmm. Seems to me that Germany's been down that autobahn before.
Tory Europe spokesman Mark Francois said: "This is all being done in secret behind the back of the British people and the Parliament. If any further powers are given away, there must, absolutely must, be a referendum".

The constitution was controversial because it proposed scrapping national vetoes in dozens of areas, including policing and justice; the creation of a permanent elected president and foreign minister, and a legally binding Charter of Fundamental Rights that would increase trade union influence.

It was abandoned after being rejected in referendums in France and Holland. Britain had promised a referendum but Mr Blair says the new document will be just "an amending treaty" and need not be put to a vote.
In other words, the peasants are too stoopid to know what they'd be voting on.
He is expected to demand an opt-out from the Charter of Fundamental Rights and No 10 insisted that nothing had been agreed yet. "This document is a private report and we should not read too much into it at this stage" said a spokesman.

However, German officials were yesterday boasting that the new deal would give the European Union a "single legal personality".
Now that your Big Lie has been exposed, Tony, be not surprised when the Czechs tell you to kiss their ass, along with Poland and a few other EU members from New Europe.

Ironically, Blair and Merkel have provided an inconvenient truth to the opinion of the European Union recently put forth by Czech President Vaclav Klaus.
I am frustrated that the people in Europe do not see this fundamental metamorphosis sufficiently clearly and especially do not think about its inevitable consequences. I am angry with politicians and their fellow travelers that they do maximum to hide it and to make it fuzzy.

I consider it wrong. I am not satisfied with making only cosmetic changes. I am, therefore, in favour of redefining the whole concept of the European Union.
Mr. President, your wish just may have come true.

Have a question for Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus?.

UPDATE: The Daily Mail is running a poll.

More at EU Referendum

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