Friday, June 08, 2007

Putie Just Can't Help Himself

Soviet Russian president Vladimir Ilyich Paranoid just couldn't help himself yesterday. Discussing his missile defense brain fart, Putie opined that,
"In this case, there will be no need to build a radar in the Czech Republic and deploy missile interceptors in Poland," Putin said. "They could be deployed in the south — I'm speaking hypothetically since it's necessary to conduct talks with relevant nations — possibly in U.S. NATO allies, such as Turkey."

"Or it could be Iraq — what they have waged the war for? There would be at least some benefit coming out of it," Putin added on a sarcastic note.
How about somewhere in northern Afghanistan, Putie? Didn't you fight a ten-year war to bring peace and stability to the Afghan people? Shouldn't you get at least some benefit from those glory days?

And wouldn't it be better to have a facility where it could keep an eye on both Iran and Pakistan?

Screw your idea about Iraq, Putie. A radar and interceptor base in northern Afghanistan makes much more sense.

Especially if each were heavily staffed with former members of the Northern Alliance.

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