Joe's Stone Crab restaurant, an historic landmark in Miami Beach, Fla. pictured Sept. 13, 2007, is located about three blocks from the beach but could be sitting in ocean water in a hundred years if seas rise from global warming as some scientists predict. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
More silliness from the alarmists.
Rising seas likely to flood U.S. history.
On the upside, we get another century of eating at Joe's but this could certainly have an even more ominous ending.
No more Mango's.
Ultimately, rising seas will likely swamp the first American settlement in Jamestown, Va., as well as the Florida launch pad that sent the first American into orbit, many climate scientists are predicting.Obviously, we're doomed. Yet there is an upside for some who hate politicians.
In about a century, some of the places that make America what it is may be slowly erased.
Global warming — through a combination of melting glaciers, disappearing ice sheets and warmer waters expanding — is expected to cause oceans to rise by one meter, or about 39 inches. It will happen regardless of any future actions to curb greenhouse gases, several leading scientists say. And it will reshape the nation.
Rising waters will lap at the foundations of old money Wall Street and the new money towers of Silicon Valley. They will swamp the locations of big city airports and major interstate highways.
Storm surges worsened by sea level rise will flood the waterfront getaways of rich politicians — the Bushes' Kennebunkport and John Edwards' place on the Outer Banks. And gone will be many of the beaches in Texas and Florida favored by budget-conscious students on Spring Break.
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