
Monday, October 08, 2007

Shocking Poll: Republicans Still Hate the Media

Why even bother polling this? It's so obvious the media is overwhelmingly slanted to the left.

Unless they're trying to show the media isn't biased.
PRINCETON, NJ -- Republicans in America today remain deeply distrustful of the national news media -- in sharp contrast to Democrats, who have a great deal more trust in the media's accuracy. Overall, less than half of Americans, regardless of partisanship, have a great deal or a fair amount of trust in the mass media. Nearly half of Americans -- including over three-quarters of Republicans -- perceive the media as too liberal while fewer than one in five say the media are too conservative. Americans are less likely to perceive bias in their local news media than in the national news media.

Basic Trust in the Accuracy of the News Media

Gallup's annual Governance poll, updated Sept. 14-16, 2007, uncovered high levels of distrust today on the part of Americans about most aspects of their government, and found a continuation of the high level of dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the country seen for the past two years.

Given this generally negative environment, it is not surprising to find that Americans also give the mass media low trust and confidence ratings.
Coming next: A new York Times editorial calling Republicans stupid for not trusting them.

UPDATE: Allahpundit has more.

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