
Sunday, November 04, 2007

Mrs. Clinton Unlikely to Win Oklahoma

Let the seething begin.
The nation's strictest immigration crackdown went into effect this week in Oklahoma after a federal judge refused Hispanic and immigrants rights groups' attempt to block it.

The new law prevents illegal aliens from getting driver's licenses, denies them every possible public service or benefit not required by federal law, gives state and local police the ability to enforce immigration laws and, beginning next year, requires employers to check new employees' identities through a federal database.

"It is the toughest state-level immigration reform bill in the nation," said state Rep. Randy Terrill, the Republican who wrote House Bill 1804, which became law on Thursday. "The judge has effectively validated this approach, and he has effectively given the green light to other states to begin to proceed with measures that are similar to House Bill 1804."

As important as the new law was this week's decision by U.S. District Judge James H. Payne, who rejected immigrants rights groups' request for an injunction. In his ruling on Wednesday, Judge Payne said the groups didn't have any evidence to support their claims of harm.
Now we have only 49 more states to go.

Meanwhile, more here on the battle in New York State.

Looks like the governor has his license.

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