Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Attempted Suicide by Fingernail at Club Gitmo?

Give that terrorist some style points.
AN inmate in the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay has survived a suicide attempt in which he slashed his own throat with a sharpened fingernail.

Commander Andrew Haynes, the deputy commander of the guard force at the prison, said he doubted last month's incident was a real suicide attempt, calling it an act of "self harm".

The incident occurred while the man was having his daily shower. Guards gave him first aid and sent him to the prison clinic, the Associated Press reported.

"There was an impressive effusion of blood,'' Cdr Haynes told reporters visiting the base.

A medical officer said the prisoner received several stitches and spent a week under psychiatric care.

There have been four suicides since the US opened the military prison at Guantanamo in January 2002 for men suspected of involvement in terrorism or links to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

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