Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Clinton Supporter Spreads Obama Rumor, Clinton 'Unaware' of Anything

The smartest woman in the world and her crack campaign staff of seasoned professionals are once again unaware of anything her people are up to.

CLINTON CAMPAIGN COUNTY CHAIR PUSHING OBAMA SMEAR...The infamous Obama-is-a-secret Muslim smear (repeatedly shown to be false) has been winging around the internet via an email forward since late December last year. As I documented for the Nation, it's a permutation of a charge first leveled by a fringe figure in Illinois, but has since been forwarded around by ordinary people either out of ignorance, credulousness or malice. We now have the first example of the smear being forwarded by a someone tied to a rival campaign. Yesterday, Gary Hart, the Jones County Chair of the Democratic party in Iowa (and a Dodd supporter) wrote a diary on DailyKos saying he'd been forwarded the infamous email by an unnamed "Clinton county chair."

In a comment posted in response, the Clinton campaign's Internet Director Peter Daou, posted a statement from the campaign confirming that the email had indeed been forwarded by a "volunteer county coordinator," but said it was "wholly unauthorized" and that the campaign was "unaware of it."
Via The Politico and Hot Air.

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