Saturday, December 08, 2007

De-selecting The Times

Doug Ross lays waste to New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller, who seems to have a bit of an attitude problem, along with a raging case of Rove Derangement Syndrome.
...At least since the election of 2000, with its attendant questions of legitimacy, some of the wide, reasonable middle of the American electorate has gravitated to angry and intolerant fringes, right and left. There are many reasons for this -- including the proliferation of partisan blogs, hate-mongering radio broadcasts and intemperate television shout shows -- but a president plays a considerable role in setting the tone of public discourse... dividing the electorate into mistrustful camps and pandering to their fears was an explicit strategy of the president's political wizard, Karl Rove.
What a dope.

H/T: Larwyn.

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