Fox’s Fair and Balanced Ad Policy
Actor Danny Glover has filmed a TV ad asserting that the Bush Administration is destroying the Constitution through the use of torture, rendition, and other war-on-terror tactics. Mr. Glover urges viewers to “rescue the Constitution.”That's true, they have been saying the same thing because they hate George W. Bush. Not that any of their spurious arguments have merit to them. But why let the facts get in the way?
It’s hard-hitting. But a lot of people and organizations — including our Editorial Page — have been saying much the same thing.
There is, of course, plenty of documentation for the damage that has been done to the Constitution in the last seven years.There is? Where?
Certainly not in this smarmy item. How about backing up that claim?
But in any case, we have news for Fox: Alka-Seltzer tablets don’t bounce around singing “plop, plop, fizz, fizz,” and whole sidewalks full of people don’t smile and cheer just because a guy is running around with a bottle of Dr. Pepper.Huh? What the hell does that mean?
It seems that Fox’s literalism about advertising is limited to ads that take a liberal political position.Media Matters? There's a reliable source. But, excuse me, when exactly were the SBVT ads shown to be false? Maybe these idiots need to do some reading. Read the comments over there as well. The tolerant readers basically want Fox shut down.
Fox gave considerable play to the Swift Boat Veterans’ false ads against John Kerry during the 2004 election. But as the website Media Matters notes, in 2005 Fox News refused to run an ad critical of then-Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. The network said the ad was “factually incorrect.”
Here's the Glover ad.
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