
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Is Duncan Hunter the Republicans' last Hope

So Huckabee, former governor of AR running on the Republican ticket for president, doesn't like being considered the front runner in the polls in Iowa. Why is that? Is it because people start taking a close look at you now? This election cycle has not been so much about candidates rising in the polls as it has been candidates falling in the polls. This has been a season, for both parties, where the majority of the voters are simply not happy with their choices. So as someone moves to the fore front somebody finally gets off their duff and checks them out, and in todays age of 24 hour news channels, and the internet news spreads fast. One thing I have realised is that far more people read articles on the internet then comment on them, so even items on obscure web sites or blogs have the potential to leap to prominence.
For instance buried in this Washington Post article cited here is this nugget.
After the Iowa poll showed that Republican voters like him but found him much less "presidential" and "electable" than Romney, Huckabee sought to build his foreign policy credentials, meeting with a group of retired generals who are in Des Moines to urge the 2008 candidates to commit to opposing torture. After the meeting, Huckabee joined Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in declaring his opposition to the interrogation procedure known as "waterboarding," and said he would support closing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba , a contrast with the other leading Republicans.

Doesn't sound like he will very tough on the terrorists now does it? At one time I thought Huck might be my man but in the last couple of weeks he has really shown his weaknesses. I am still holding onto Fred Thompson and I would like to learn more about Duncan Hunter. They may be the last chance of finding a conservative in this field of what appears to be RINO's (Republican In Name Only)

UPDATE: Link to Duncan Hunters bio and his campaign web site.

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