Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Massholes Heart Chavez

Every year it's the same two useful idiots, Joe Kennedy and William Delahunt, sucking up to dictator Hugo Chavez. They accord him more respect than they do their own president.

They have no shame.
What this is really about is advancing Chavez's U.S. agenda, a big part of which is to blame U.S. oil companies for high oil prices.

High oil prices do squeeze the poor. But oil companies do not control them. Dictators such as Chavez do. Eighty percent of the world's oil is held by inefficient state oil companies. Venezuela is one of the worst, producing its oil with scab labor since a 2003 strike, and it has also confiscated at least $1 billion in U.S. oil assets since then. Some industry analysts estimate that Chavez adds as much as a third of the cost to world oil prices. No wonder he wants someone else, like Big Oil, blamed.

Now he's got a willing dupe. Besides browbeating oil companies, Kennedy also brought in politicians shilling for Chavez as well.

Massachusetts Rep. Bill Delahunt denounced Big Oil's "record profits" and condemned the companies for not participating in Kennedy's politically loaded program. This comes on the heels of his refusal to vote in Congress for more domestic oil or natural gas production, which could bring down energy costs for all.

Oil companies, in fact, give far more to charity than Kennedy's $25 million program. In 2006, Chevron gave $90.8 million. British Petroleum gave $106.7 million. Exxon Mobil gave $138.6 million.

It goes to show that Kennedy's cheap oil program is a plan to really advance Chavez's influence in this country. What a scam.
Via Instapundit.

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