Thursday, December 20, 2007

Same Pig, Different Lipstick

Communists are so predictable. They screw up their economy and then try to camouflage the results.
Zimbabwe is to issue new banknotes in an effort to tackle the serious cash shortages afflicting the country.

From Thursday, notes worth 250,000, 500,000 and 750,000 Zimbabwean dollars will enter circulation.
So how bad is it in Zimbabwe?
Rampant inflation above 8,000%, mass unemployment and shortages of fuel and basic goods have blighted the economy.
Only a Communist (or MSM journalist, but I repeat myself) would think that changing the denomination of the currency would do anything to help fix the above problems.

This same thing was tried in post-WWI Germany, and all it did was increase the inflation.

Yo, Zimbabwe government! The reason why your economy is collapsing is because you are communists! You have promised everybody free everything, and have been confiscating private property in the attempt to pay for it.

That move destroyed the incentive to produce and grow, and the significant producers in the economy left the country. Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket for Africa. Now it's a disaster.

Rather than monkeying around with the currency denomination, Zimbabwe officials need to stop the free giveaways and re-instill a legal recognition of the right to own and keep private property.

And before anybody out there thinks this cannot happen in the U.S., just take a good close look at what many of the presidential candidates are proposing to do with "universal health care".

Same pig, different lipstick.

You will also notice that the BBC reporter put in not a single word about the destructive Communist polices that have caused this.

Changing the denomination is like moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic.

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