
Monday, December 03, 2007

Will the Dems do Fox News?

What if the Dems wanted to debate on Fox News, as some sort of repentance for the shoddy performance turned in by CNN in the handling of the YouTube debate and Fox said no?

All this time the Dems have been trashing Fox News and in fact consider them to be nothing more then the propaganda arm of the current administration, but now with no doubt that MSNBC is further to the left then a bunch of Ron Paul supporters and CNN showing their blatant attempts at skewing the Republican debate and in the process shooting their credibility to the level of the New York Times, the last cable news agency with any credibility is Fox, regardless of your political leanings.

So do the Dems now try to make nice with Fox and in some way try to distance themselves from this scandal? Have no doubts, in listening to people talk about this incident they equally blame CNN, the Democrats and to a large degree Hillary in particular for what happened. Everybody associated with this perverse act of propaganda programming has been tainted.

It is to the point that a lot of people I know have determined they will not vote for anybody who being favored by the press. And that is from either party. A lot of people are coming to the conclusion that the "front runners" in either party are those who the reporters and journalists have decided to make front runners.

Why else is there no news about Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Bill Richardson and the other cast of characters running for President? Granted none of this is scientific research or can be validated by numbers, but the most heard expression lately is "whoever they say is leading ain't who I am voting for."

The worst part of this scenario is that folks plain won't vote. Also here in GA people are sick and tired of hearing about Iowa and New Hampshire. What is the rest of the country just chopped liver? Our votes don't count? Are we just supposed to take whoever they vote for and follow in lockstep?

Last I checked the population of Atlanta is greater then either one of those states. NH has about 1.2 million and Iowa comes in at about 3 million meanwhile ATL has a little over 4 million. Oh yeah I forget we ain't nothing but redneck, bigoted, racist, knuckle dragging, bible thumping, pickup truck driving, inbred idjits. So yeah we don't count. Let's let the New England blue noses and Midwest corn farmers make our decisions for us.

Anyway, I got off topic. The topic being how do the Dems make nice with Fox News now or do they? If they remain silent on the CNN issue then it is guilt by association. They at least need to come out and deny any active participation in what transpired.

So far they haven't, and just like the slander of Gen. Petraeus by another one of their proxies MoveOn, rather then distance themselves they remain silent and let the front group, in this case CNN, take the heat. Since they don't deny it, it must be assumed that they not only agree with what happened, but maybe had a big hand in making it happen.

So Dems who else do have working for you? It seems that the Democrat party is ruining a lot of organizations and people all in the name of gaining political power. But y'all keep doing it. You will find out the America ain't nearly as blind and easily fooled as you might hope for or think.

The world does not begin and end in New York City and once the campaigns move out of those areas, away from the reporters and agencies who report on our politics like they do the war in Iraq, from the Green Zone, we might start seeing a different picture emerge.

Oh and NY Times, Fred ain't lazy but he is crafty.

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