Monday, January 21, 2008

Huckabee's base bilk Marine widow out of $57,000

Oh those charming evangelicals. The power makers in the Republican party. The people who know what is best for you.
Enter Jeff, an evangelist from her church, who also led the weekly Bible study in Julie’s house, he seemed like a nice enough guy. And when the idea to help Iraq War widows and orphans came about, Jeff told Julie about a friend of his named Ken.

The widow that was the subject of this scam has 3 children and is now struggling financially. While her husband gave his life in Iraq, earning a Bronze Star in the process, some guys cloaking themselves in religion have now devastated this family.
Julie ended recouping only $7,000 of her $57,000 investment. Ken had threatened her if she tried to come after him for her money back. Apparently these two guys run some ministry called John G.

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