
Thursday, January 17, 2008

The stories they could tell.....

From the Wolf over at Blackfive. Be sure to read his profile while you are visiting.
When the history of this war in Iraq is written it will not be of the anti war, cut and run, American bashing idiots here at home.
Here is what I heard went on at the meeting, which was held in Ambassador Paul Bremer’s conference room at the Convention Center. I don’t know the details of how he did it, but Jerry smuggled both Al Sistani and Sadr into the GZ and organized the much needed face-to-face meeting between the parties.

Now read the rest of the story. One more piece from the story
Before Secretary Powell moved to the podium to address the media, a member of the Arabic press stood up to make a statement condemning the killing of an Al Aribiya television reporter at a U.S. checkpoint earlier in the week. The journalist read off his demands requesting a formal military investigation of the incident and then led the whole Arabic media contingent as they all stood and exited the press conference. Everyone in the room just stared at this spectacle with their mouths wide open because we couldn’t believe they would insult Secretary Powell in the manner they did.

And Secretary Powells response
Media Question: How do you feel about what just transpired Mr. Secretary?

Powell Answer: Well, they couldn’t do that when Sadaam Hussein was in power, could they? Democracy provides the freedom that allowed the journalists to do what they did without fear of repercussion.

That just shut the media up,

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