Saturday, February 16, 2008

Iranian Press TV Hearts Olberdunce

Useful Idiot

Nutroots hero Keith Olbermann has expanded his influence of power to now include the crazy mullahs.

He must be bursting with pride.

Apparently, their love affair with Ron Paul has ended and they've moved on to someone even nuttier.
Keith Olbermann a MSNBC commentator has declared that President Bush is guilty of terrorism because of his warrentless eavesdropping program.

The Senate-passed eavesdropping measure unlike the earlier House-passed bill gives telecommunications company's protection from privacy lawsuits for helping Bush conduct wiretapping without court warrants after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

In a scathing commentary against President George W. Bush, MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann declared Bush guilty of terrorism for playing what he sees as the fear card in an attempt to get the House to pass retroactive immunity for telecommunication companies that illegally helped the US government in its warrantless wiretapping program Thursday evening.

"You are a liar, Mr. Bush, and after showing some skill at it, you have ceased to even be a very good liar," Keith Olbermann declared.

"The lot of you," he said, speaking of those who sought to pass immunity, "are the symbolic descendants of the despotic middle managers of some banana republic, to whom 'Freedom' is an ironic brand name, a word you reach for, when you want to get away with its opposite." Keith Olbermann added.
Olbermann's psychiatrist was unavailable for comment.

NewsBusters links. Thanks!

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