
Friday, May 02, 2008

Iraqis Dealing With a New Enemy: The UN

One must wonder why this most incompetent and whimpy organization called the UN is in Kirkuk. Despite its big name, the lofty ideals in its charter, the impressive building that serves as its headquarters, its huge budget, and the thousands of employees who draw undeserved fat salaries, this misnomer of an organization has little to show for it and is hardly known to have sided with justice or upheld the rights of the oppressed anywhere in the world since its inception.
And that is just the opening paragraph. The author of this article seems to have a lot in common with John Bolton. I wonder if the liberals would denounce him in the same way. The author is in Kirkuk, a city whose location into the Kurdish province is being hotly debated, and it is a town that is at the center of oil sharing issue the Iraqi parliament is wrestling with.

I am also going to grant you that it is an opinion piece written obviously from somebody who favors a referendum vote versus an arbitrary ruling by the ruling government in Baghdad as to Kirkuk's real standing within the country, but isn't it nice to know that some semblance of normality does exist inside of Iraq, and not the daily body count updates that we in the West seem to get as the only news worth reporting on in regards to Iraq.

Iraq, in spite of the best efforts of Democrats and defeatists everywhere, is emerging from the terrible shroud of violence and overbearing oppression at the hands of Islamic opportunists and third party interlopers and soon should once again join the family of countries, based on some democratic principles, secure in its borders, and ready to live in peace with its neighbors. This is the Iraq that Syria and Iran fear, not the military might of the United States.

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