Simply because I have nothing better to do and because it is becoming very apparent that the congressional races this election cycle are going to be more important then they have in probably 20 years, I have decided to start a series highlighting some conservative candidates for Congress who are ready to challenge the senile, AARP card carrying, stuck in the past residents of the federal frat house. These are fresh faces and folks who can offer new or different answers the problems that have plagued this country in some cases for over half a century. Every election cycle it is the same old tired rhetoric and after the election it is the same old results. Nothing changes, so that once again in the next election the cycle can be repeated. I believe this is called insanity. I am going to start out with the Iraqi veterans who are challenging the old guard, and the one thing we know for sure about the veterans of the GWOT is they can adapt to and overcome any challenge and get results, which is why they should receive the attention of the voters and hopefully wrest away some of these congressional seats from the incumbents and get this country moving forward, not merely continuing to debate, study, and discuss issues, but instead take action.
First up is Kieran Michael Lalor running for the House of Representatives in New York in the 19th district. That seat is currently held by a Democrat, with a long track record of anti-military and left wing activism.
Mr Lalor served in the Marines and is the founder of a group called the Eternal Vigilance Society which is "dedicated to winning the War on Terror by supporting leaders willing to put protecting the nation ahead of politics and who espouse aggressive policies to achieve total victory in the War on Terror."
Here is Mr Lalor on Fox News addressing the "Don't Ask,Don't Tell" policy and the liberal bent in academia.
His position on the issues of healthcare insurance, energy independence, and taxes can be found here.
Besides what is not to like about a guy who makes statements like this in regards to the current Democrat holding the seat.
There is no doubt that this will be an expensive race, and we're not naïve about that. John Hall is my polar opposite in most respects, and fundraising is no different. Hall is funded by the Left, and his list of campaign donors looks like a passenger list for a Woodstock-bound Volkswagen Splitty. Susan Sarandon, Bonnie Raitt, Pete Seeger. The list goes on and on. Hall likes to run away from tough issues, and he runs straight to and George Soros when he needs fast cash. In fact, Soros just hosted a Hall fundraiser at a 5th Avenue apartment in Manhattan.I encourage everybody this year to go check out any challenger to the entrenched incumbents in Congress that they have in their area. It is time to get the entitlement-minded Congress critters out so that maybe we can get rid of the unnecessary pork in our budgets and get some folks who will address 21st Century problems with 21st Century solutions. Check out your local candidates of all parties and see if instead of just talking about change you can actually make a change.
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