
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Northwestern to Reverend Wright: On Second Thought...

Northwestern University was all poised to give the Revrund Jeremiah Wrong an honorary Doctorate of Sacred Theology. Well after careful consideration they have rescinded the offer.
But vice president for university relations Alan Cubbage now says the offer has been rescinded because of the controversy surrounding Wright. He also says the school wants "to ensure that the celebratory character of commencement not be affected."
And in other college news remember the story a while back about the governor of West Virginia whose daughter received a masters degree that it looks like she didn't earn? Well there is more fallout.
Six months after his inauguration, President Mike Garrison is struggling to hold his administration together - and keep his job - amid a scandal that erupted after the school granted Gov. Joe Manchin's daughter a master's degree she didn't earn.

Two top university officials resigned last weekend over their part in the episode. Major donors have canceled plans to donate millions. Members of the Faculty Senate are planning a no-confidence vote on Garrison next week. And critics inside and outside the university have demanded the president resign over what appears to be an instance in which political pull influenced the awarding of a degree.
But wait a minute. Buried way down in the story is some more information on those 2 "university officials" who "resigned".
The resignations of Provost Gerald Lang and R. Stephen Sears, dean of the business school, have not satisfied the most vocal of the critics, particularly since Lang and Sears will remain as tenured professors, with Lang earning nearly $200,000 a year and Sears almost $160,000. Lang presided over the meeting last October during which Sears made the final decision to grant the governor's daughter a degree.
So who is yanking whose chain here? Oh yeah the governor being the good Democrat that he is is also a super delegate.

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