
Thursday, May 22, 2008

You Mean They Actually Have to Leave Their TV Jobs to Join the Obama Campaign?

This is weird. Considering virtually every TV talking head is in love with Barack Obama and can barely conceal their pubescent infatuation with him, it makes you wonder why they actually would leave their television job to join his campaign.

Although this probably an indication of who Keith Olbermann's next employer will be.
Linda Douglass, a longtime network news correspondent in Washington now working as a contributing editor to The National Journal, said Wednesday that she would leave the magazine to work for Senator Barack Obama’s campaign.

In an interview, Ms. Douglass said she would spend most of her time on the road with Mr. Obama as a traveling strategist and spokeswoman, a position created as the campaign expands operations for its expected involvement in the general election.

Ms. Douglass said she decided to be part of the story she was covering, because “I just thought I couldn’t possibly sit on the sidelines any more.”
I guess now she won't have to wear her cheerleader outfit any more.
“I’m somebody who really cares about good government,” she said. “It’s kind of my soapbox. When I see someone come along who is really sincere about making a more responsive government, I really respond.”
I wonder if she could actually cite a single piece of legislation that Barack Obama has come up with that made the government more responsive?

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