
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Clinton to Endorse Obama Friday

Looks like reality is settling in. No hay to be made of the Rezko conviction and apparently the purported bombshell Michelle Obama tape hasn't panned out.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is moving to suspend her campaign and endorse Senator Barack Obama on Friday after Democratic members of Congress urged her Wednesday to leave the race and allow the party to coalesce around Mr. Obama, according to a senior adviser to Mrs. Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton is likely to make the announcement in New York City, an aide said, though no final venue has been chosen.

Her decision came after a day of telephone conversations with supporters on Capitol Hill about what she should do now that Mr. Obama had claimed enough delegates to be able to clinch the nomination. Mrs. Clinton had initially said she wanted to wait before making any decision, but her aides said that in conversations, some of her closest supporters said it was urgent that she step aside.

“We pledged to support her to the end,” said Representative Charles W. Rangel, a New York Democrat who has been a patron of Mrs. Clinton since she first ran for the Senate. “Our problem is not being able to determine when the hell the end is.”
Whatever the payoff is only she and Obama know. But rest assured there is one. Perhaps some help paying off her debt, a cabinet spot, or even VP, though I doubt Obama wants any part of that scene.

Looks like he found the way to her, um, heart.

Thanks to Ace for the link.

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