
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Crazy Man Calls Bush Mentally Ill

The Democrats will be lapping this one up since they feel the same way about George W. Bush.
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Tuesday his country will continue with its controversial nuclear program, but rejected nuclear weapons.

The country's supreme leader also said U.S. President George W. Bush and his advisers are acting erratically and sound mentally ill.

"Sometimes they threaten, sometimes they order assassinations ... and sometimes they ask for help — it's like mad people staggering to and fro," he said.

Khamenei, who has final say in all matters in Iran, spoke at a ceremony Tuesday honoring the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

"Iran is after the peaceful use of nuclear energy and we will strongly pursue and reach it despite the envy of our enemies," he said.

"No wise nation is interested in making a nuclear weapon," since it is not logical and cannot be used, added.
Now in news sure to raise eyebrows, a majority apparently thinks it's just fine to meet with these maniacs.
While John McCain is trying to beat up Barack Obama over his willingness to meet with America's enemies, most Americans agree with Obama, according to a new poll out today.

Gallup found that 67 percent of Americans support the president meeting with leaders of countries considered US enemies; 79 percent of Democrats think so, as do 70 percent of independents. Only a slight majority of Republicans, 51 percent, oppose such talks.

In terms of talking in particular to Iran, which other polls show is considered America's top enemy, 59 percent of Americans favor such discussions. Among Democrats, 71 percent support talks, as do 58 percent of independents. Again, only a slim majority of Republicans, 51 percent, are opposed.

The Gallup survey was conducted May 19-21 among 1,103 Americans and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

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