
Friday, June 20, 2008

Do Democrats Even Watch or Read The News?

Rant time. I am working from home so with nothing better to do I decided to flip over to CSPAN coverage of the Senate to see what they were talking about and lo and behold stepping up to the microphone was Sen Bob Casey (D-PA) who began by mentioning something about refugee day.
Anyway he quickly went into talking about the refugee crisis facing Iraq. Let me help the good senator a little.
From NPR.
December 4, 2007 · For the first time since the Iraq war began, more Iraqi refugees are returning home from Syria than are arriving. The movement is still a trickle, considering there are more than 1.5 million Iraqi refugees in Syria.

From CNN
November 7, 2007 Some 46,000 Iraqi refugees returned to their war-torn country last month, a sign of hope that the massive population flight since the 2003 U.S. invasion could be reversed, an Iraqi commander said Wednesday.

And there are more. The main problem facing the Iraqi's is resettling all of the folks coming home so the UN is now talking about the number of internally displaced refugees.
He, Sen Casey then goes on to talk about how the Mahdi Army is supplying much of the humanitarian assistance to these refugee. Somebody hit the good Senator with a clue bat fer chrissakes. The Mahdi Army no longer exists. Their leader is in exile in Iran and the Iraqi government continues to tamp down whatever remnants of this so called army. Maybe the good senator hasn't seen the news or tv in the last 24 hours but their was an operation, if you can call it that in the last couple of days to go back into an area supposedly taken over by this Mahdi Army. The soldiers, mostly Iraqi with some US support entered the town and not a single shot was fired and reestablished order.
Correspondents say there has been no shooting so far. A number of armed men avoided arrest by throwing their weapons into the street or canals.

So please I know I need to get a life, but can somebody on the good senators staff learn something about the internet and maybe something about what a search engine is or barring that can they get subscriptions to some other newspapers other then the New York Times or the AP?

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