
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nanny-State Billionaire: Let's Raise Gas Taxes

How out of touch is Michael Bloomberg?
"They should be raising the tax and encouraging people to reduce consumption. The anti-tax people don't like that. But using capitalism to encourage the right behavior is exactly the [right] direction of going. Tax policy is the way government uses capitalism."

That position is consistent with Bloomberg's oft-stated warning that "there's no free lunch" and that the United States needs to drastically overhaul its energy policies.

But Bloomberg has never before stated categorically that gas prices have to go up to slacken demand.

Motorists at a Harlem gas station filling their tanks - and emptying their wallets - were angered by Bloomberg's comments.

"Bloomberg's a billionaire and has no idea what it's like out here," said Les Cox.
Well, Bloomberg is just as clueless as Barack Obama and the rest of the Democrats who refuse to provide relief for the Americans people.
Obama said the McCain plan to permit drilling off the US coast, which he announced earlier this week, would do little to provide real savings before the year 2030.

And "even then you're looking at cents on a gallon of gas," Obama said at a meeting with Democratic governors in Chicago.
Yes, why should elitist multimillionaires like Obama and billionaires like Bloomberg worry about pennies on the gallon like the average consumer? After all, you taxpayers are paying for their gas anyway. All the while they scheme to find news ways for you to pay even more in taxes.


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