
Friday, June 20, 2008

Racist Reverend Squeals, Runs For Cover

Looks like the IRS probe into the shakedown practices of the odious Al Sharpton are hitting close to home. If this was all much ado about nothing, why would the rotund racist be making his case to John Conyers with a laughable plea to investigate the investigators?
It's the investigators that need investigating, a defiant Rev. Al Sharpton said yesterday in the face of the widening federal probe into his finances.

With the IRS and the US Attorney's Office breathing down his neck, Sharpton's civil-rights organization is appealing to Congress to launch its own investigation into the federal authorities.

"This is harassment and manipulation," Sharpton told The Post in response to news that some of his most generous corporate donors, including beer giant Anheuser-Busch, were slapped with subpoenas concerning their gifts to the National Action Network.

Sharpton reached out to Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who has already subpoenaed former top Bush adviser Karl Rove over possible politicization of the Justice Department.

"We are mindful of the clear political motivation of the Justice Department and IRS under the present administration," Sharpton said in a statement. "In fact, nine United States attorneys have had to resign under the question of whether they were targeting people for political reasons."
He stops just short of blaming Karl Rove.
"We will never be silenced or intimidated by political zealots in law enforcement or journalism who clearly operate on agendas rather than facts, and we welcome the IRS, New York Post, or any other entity to look into our relationships with corporations," he said.
The projection meter just exploded.

Sounds like he's really feeling the heat. Well past time.

Update: Ouch.

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