Saturday, July 05, 2008

Holiday Horror: Cannolis in NYC Found to Contain Trans Fats

If you needed any evidence that Fun City has become a politically-correct nanny-state nightmare, looks no further than this absurd story about cannolis being over the proscribed trans fat limit.

Seriously, we don't have enough things to worry about that we're now analyzing the contents of cannolis?

Ah, the joys of Michael Bloomberg's New York.
New York is having a cannoli conundrum.

The shell-encased treats at two of the city's top bakeries tested well above the Health Department's trans-fat limit that went into effect Tuesday, according to lab results commissioned by the Daily News.

Veniero's, the popular East Village eatery where one cannoli contained trans-fat levels four times above the city limit, vowed Friday to pull the shells from the shelves until the supplier it deals with bans the bad-for-you fat.

"I want to thank you for alerting me," owner Robert Zerilli said.

Veniero's wasn't alone.

The taboo fat was also found in a cannoli at Ferrara's in Little Italy, a chocolate cupcake at Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich Village, a croissant at Sarabeth's on the upper West Side and a strawberry cheesecake at Junior's in Brooklyn.

"I'm blown away by this," said Ernesto Lepore, president of Ferrara's. "I don't understand why trans fat is turning up."

Under Health Department rules, a serving of food can't contain more than .5 grams of trans fat, an unhealthy substance that can clog arteries and cause heart disease.

The ban began on fried foods a year ago and extended to baked goods on Tuesday.
Whatever happened to freedom? Now people have to fret over cannolis, cheesecake, cupcakes and croissants?

Leave New York, take the cannolis.

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