Saturday, August 09, 2008

Why Give These Losers Any Attention?

For sheer hysteria, I haven't seen anything quite like this item out of Scotland in quite some time.

Apparently the author must think we're all living in 1930s Mississippi.

The headline alone conjures up images of an America so beset by racism, you'd think Jim Crow was still in effect.

America burning: racists say Obama must die
AMERICAN law enforcement agencies fear Barack Obama will be the target of a violent attack by white supremacists at the Democratic convention in Denver this month.

Ever since the Senator for Illinois emerged as the likely Democratic presidential candidate, neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and similar groups have been making racist threats.

In an interview on Fox News, Railton Loy, Grand Wizard of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan International, said of Obama's presidential campaign: "I'm not going to have to worry about him, because somebody else down south is going to take him out... If that man is elected president, he'll be shot sure as hell. The hate would be so deep down south."

Meanwhile, websites and blogs have been buzzing with racist posts.

"Obama will die, KKK forever," says a post by "Rodney" on a blog run by a person identified only as Strider333. "The KKK or someone WILL assassinate Obama! If we get a N***** President all you N*****'s (sic] will think you've won and that the WHITE people will have to bow to you F*** THAT."
Of course, they fail to even identify such a blog, if it even exists.

Of course, we have some crazies running around out there on the fringe, but the KKK was last a force in this country at least 50 years ago.

This nonsense that "America is burning" is pap, likely spoonfed to the media by some leftwing kooks.
Mark Potok, an expert on the radical right at the Southern Poverty Law enter in Montgomery, Alabama, said: "People on these racist and white supremacist websites are being quite careful because they know that if they make a threat they will very likely get a visit from the Secret Service.

"The scary thing out there is the lone wolf phenomenon. There are enough crazy people in this movement that it is possible one of them will decide today is the day to kick off the Aryan revolution."

A survey by the centre, which tracks hate groups and handles legal cases against white supremacist organisations, found that the number of racist groups in America has soared in recent years, from 602 in 2000 to 844 in 2006.
Well, they sure are doing a good job of blending in, because outside of the KKK, which probably numbers membership in the dozens, I can say I've heard of any.

Needless to say, since Obama now has Secret Service detail rivaling that of George W. Bush, it's highly unlikely anything will be happening to him.

Sure, some racists kooks full of bluster may pop up in Denver, but they'll be far outnumbered by all the other leftwing rabble there to protest their cause du jour.

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