
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Daily Palinoia: Now the National Enquirer is a Reliable Source

Funny how when the National Enquirer was breaking the John Edwards love-child story the media scoffed at them as tabloid trash. All of a sudden they're now a go-to source, sitting at the top of Memeorandum this morning.

Politics of personal destruction is now the primary aim of the alleged mainstream media. The latest non-story is this absurd Washington Post claim that Palin "slashed" funding for teen mothers, a story quickly blown out of the water.In other urgent Palin news, the future Vice President's future son-in-law is heading to St. Paul.

Stop. The. Presses.

In other breaking news, some alleged former acquaintance supposedly doesn't like the gubmint. That's funny. For the last eight years the left has despised the government.

Guess it all depends who's in power. Memo to TPM: A lot of people dislike the government. It's called freedom of expression.

Meanhwile, Michelle Malkin notes the latest in Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Bias? What bias?

I noticed while Fred Thompson was speaking last night, a couple of the networks decided it was more newsworthy to talk about Bristol Palin. Classy.

In a shocking turn of events, as part of her vetting process, the McCain team apparently confused her for a liberal Democrat.
GOP advisers said before Palin was chosen, she filled out a survey with 70 questions, including such embarrassing ones as: Have you ever paid for sex? Have you been faithful in your marriage? Have you ever used or purchased drugs? Have you ever downloaded pornography?
Tonight, Mrs. Palin speaks to the country. No doubt Katie Couric and Company will probably talk over her.

There are some sane journalists left, however, and I sense a backlash brewing. Don't expect McCain to go wobbly on his pick, either.

Be sure also to check out Michelle Malkin's Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse.

Atfer Sarah Palin speaks tonight, expect things to get even uglier. The left just can't help themselves. Their hatred has consumed them.

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