
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lincoln Chafee: Palin a 'Cocky Wacko'

Please, folks, just keep it up. At the going rate Obama may be lucky to win one state.
Former Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee has called vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin a "cocky wacko" and said her selection as John McCain's running mate has energized supporters of Democrat Barack Obama.

Chafee left the Republican Party last year after losing his bid for re-election and now supports Obama. He told an audience Tuesday at the New America Foundation in Washington that the Alaska governor has revived a "lackluster McCain candidacy."

"They've just thrown this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election," Chafee said in response to an audience member's question about whether the Obama campaign should worry about Palin's presence in the race.

He said her speech at the Republican National Convention had the unintended effect of energizing Democrats and Obama supporters.

"People were coming into my office, phone calls were flooding in, e-mails were coming in, 'I just sent money to Obama, I couldn't sleep last night' — from the left. To see this cocky wacko up there," Chafee said to laughter.
So just like Tuesday when the audience yukked it up after Obama compared Palin to a pig, the audience laughed when Chafee insulted Palin. Going to be tough to play the victim when the inevitable backlash comes.

Seems there are a lot of people with trouble sleeping, or if they are, they're having bad dreams.

Thank goodness this asshole left the GOP. We have no use for such intolerant bigotry that clearly has a home with Democrats.

Barack Obama could admonish his supporters and ask they stop the personal attacks on Palin, but clearly he doesn't want them to stop.

H/T Hot Air. More from Michelle Malkin.

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