
Friday, September 12, 2008

Now In Total Freefall, Obama Promises 'Sharper Tone'

You have to wonder how much sharper the tone can get considering Barack Obama, his surrogates, the leftwing blogosphere and media have been relentlessly assaulting John McCain and, in particular, Sarah Palin, the past couple of weeks. He's played the race card, gender card, family card, bad joke card and where's it gotten him?
Senator Barack Obama will intensify his assault against Senator John McCain, with new television advertisements and more forceful attacks by the candidate and surrogates beginning Friday morning, as he confronts an invigorated Republican presidential ticket and increasing nervousness in the Democratic ranks.
Well, why are they so nervous? Do they now finally realize this guy peaked in March? In case they forgot, Hillary Clinton crushed this guy all over the map in most of the final Democrat primaries and he barely staggered across the finish line.
Mr. McCain’s choice of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate and the resulting jolt of energy among Republican voters appear to have caught Mr. Obama and his advisers by surprise and added to concern among some Democrats that the Obama campaign was not pushing back hard enough against Republican attacks in a critical phase of the race.
How is it a campaign of what's alleged to be a cast of brilliant minds were caught off guard? Were they so enamored of their own alleged greatness they just figured McCain would go through the motions on the way to an expected humiliating defeat?

Clearly Obama's media handlers were left flat-footed with Palin's selection. It's as if she descended from another planet, not one of our 50 states. There was more than enough blogosphere buzz about her for months, so it's pretty obvious the vast majority of the media was unprepared for Palin. Why else would they embarrass themselves by relying on made-up talking points from leftwing blogs? Perhaps it's time they expanded their blog reading beyond Daily Kos and Think Progress.

Of course, this nonstop barrage of slander, lies, and misleading reportage that is characterized as either stupid or malicious has now resulted in Obama's poll freefall that now threatens to take the Democrat Congress down with it, so all one can hope for is this idiotic campaign tactic continues.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows John McCain up by three points, his largest lead since Obama wrapped up the Democratic Presidential Nomination. For most of the past several months, Obama has held a modest lead with McCain slipping ahead by a single point on just three of the past hundred days.

McCain now attracts 48% of the vote while Obama earns 45%. When "leaners" are included, it’s McCain 49%, Obama 46%. Yesterday, the candidates were tied.

It is unusual to find a three-point jump in one day on the tracking poll. Daily tracking results are collected via nightly telephone surveys and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Today’s gain for McCain comes partly from a good night of polling last night and partly from the fact that a good night for Obama on Monday is no longer part of the sample.

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