
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

'When One’s Logic and Intellectual Calculating Powers are Replaced With Dopey Feel-Good, Fantasy-Driven Denial, the Democratic Party Serves Them Well'

A classic quote, indeed, from none other than Ted Nugent, and there's more to it. But hey, how long can I possibly make a headline? As you might have guessed, he doesn't like Hollywood pinheads and is rather fond of Sarah Palin. He delivers a nice slap at simpleton Matt Damon and his idiotic statements last week.
Anyone who has watched Ted Nugent appear on talk shows over the years knows he can deliver a punch when he deems it necessary. In an email exchange The Vote had with Nugent this morning, the rock star starts off diplomatic.

“To be concerned is prudent, but his references are without merit,” Nugent wrote. “Her record in politics proves she is a tough woman of intellect, logic, common sense, integrity and defying courage. Theoretically, Matt’s concerns would better be aimed at and earned by Barack Obama.

Nugent had high praise for the Republican vice presidential nominee, who - like Nugent - is an avid hunter.

“I like her a lot,” he said. “I have examined her record and she is my kind of elected official. She may very well be the best Republican in America today.”
Nugent, an outspoken conservative, is a minority in the entertainment community. When asked why the celebrity crowd seems to better connect with the Democratic party, Nugent becomes the Nugent you know on TV — unfiltered.

“With all due respect, many in the entertainment industry are deep into mind-altering substance abuse, and when one’s logic and intellectual calculating powers are replaced with dopey feel-good, fantasy-driven denial, the democratic party serves them well,” Nugent blasted.

Speaking of Hollywood celebutards, John McCain delivered his own slap at Obama and Barbra Streisand today.
"He says he's siding with the people just before he flew off for a fundraiser in Hollywood with Barbra Streisand," McCain said of his rival. "Let me tell you my friends, there's no place I'd rather be than right here with the working men and women of Ohio."

McCain used the line as his close at an airport hangar rally, drawing loud applause.

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