
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boot-Licking WaPo Hack: John Podesta Is a Rock Star

Rock Star?
Obamamania has reached comical proportions now when a Clinton retread and George Soros henchman is referred to as a rock star. These Washington Post morons really need to get out of the Beltway and familiarize themselves with the real world.
You know Obamania has reached a new level when even John Podesta is a rock star.

Some of the best reporters in the business lined up for more than an hour on 6th Street NW this afternoon for a chance to hear Podesta, the Obama transition chief, give an operational update. When the transition team announced the press briefing last night, it promptly received 207 RSVPs -- far more than the 84 chairs that could fit into the conference room in the government offices serving as transition headquarters.

Secret Service agents and transition officials served as bouncers, consulting their lists as reporters begged their way in: "I RSVP'd! Last night!" About 100 people back in the line was no less a personality than Karen Tumulty, a veteran political writer for Time magazine. Inside, the lucky holders of White House "hard passes" -- the first to be admitted -- threw jackets over chairs to save seats for their colleagues outside. Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker had to sit on a step in the back of the room. CNN's Ed Henry was buried in the fifth row. The event was delayed 20 minutes until all the Podesta groupies could get through security. The Washington Post alone sent six reporters.
That's six reporters too many, obviously. This boob Milbank is even gushing over the absurd Karen Tumulty, who when last heard from was busy decoding hidden racial bias in John McCain commercials.

At least we get some comic relief from this drivel when you read the comments accompanying the idiocy.

Milbank should be embarrassed churning out such dreck.
What a pathetic gaggle of sycophants.

Our press corps has degenerated into a mindless cadre of adoring Obama groupies.

What underwear is Obama wearing today? Please, another loving photo of the Obama family. Did that get that cat? Or was it a dog?

Please remember, God has a sense of humor. Plenty of jokes just over the horizon.

Posted by: Texasdav | November 11, 2008 9:58 PM

Hey Dana..fawning over George Soros' hand picked guy in the White House is a bit on the sick side.. Yep ...this is Soros' guy...Time for the Post....if you have any gonnads to do an investigation into this vermine. He was totally funded by Soros. Not a word about that...only that he is a Rock Star....Trying to get an invite from Podesta by sucking up Dana?. I'm sure if McCains folks were funded by Melenscaffe you would be interested. But I guess the end the Posts management... justifies the means... This rag is really pathetic.

Posted by: rich_oas | November 11, 2008 10:05 PM

Podesta, a Rock Star? Oh please! I am so sick of the media and the messiah hasn't even been sworn in yet. I hope you and CNN, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and all the other kool aid drinkers go down in flames. True justice. GO PALIN 2012!!!

Posted by: grumets | November 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Podesta is a rock star to those who watch paint dry for recreation. Obamaniac reporters, GET A LIFE.

Posted by: clintwest1 | November 11, 2008 10:23 PM

You WPost, and other media weenies who bought into the Bush third term propaganda are about to experience Jimmy Carter's second term. Obama was elected to "fix" the economy, not create a Soviet style socialist paradise, a la George Soros.

Posted by: aalex11 | November 12, 2008 12:32 AM

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