Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Frothing Obamaton Comment of the Day

Some lovely Obama voter from Battle Creek, Michigan left this comment today. I figure it's a real Obama voter since it identified itself as "Obama Voter", is relatively illiterate and uses excessive exclamation points!!!
Actually we Dems will put you conservatives into camps like the cattle you are!! RE-education camps!

Bye-bye blogs and talk radio. Fairness Docterine for Life. Obama for President for Life. Bye-bye facisit military and hello National Civilian Police Force.

What Hugo Chavez did is just a taste of what you waterboarders have in store!

"Terrorists" out of Gitmo and Rush and Hanity into it!
Obama Voter | 11.04.08 - 10:30 am | #
If it's just a gag, he needs some better material.

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