Thursday, November 06, 2008

Max Cleland As Secretary of the Army?

When we last saw Max Cleland, he was hanging around with the antiwar crowd, led by Cindy Sheehan, trying to deliver a letter to President Bush at his ranch in Crawford, TX, asking that President Bush order the Swift Boat Veterans to stop their attacks on John Kerry.

Oddly enough, while searching the web for pictures of this event I discovered that Reuters and Yahoo news have removed all pictures and stories of this encounter. I was, however, able to find an account of the story.

Well, now comes word that he may be under consideration for Secretary of the Army or Veterans Affairs.

Is this the best we can do? Somebody who has been against our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan from the beginning, who hangs around with antiwar protesters and defended John Kerry?

What's next, John Murtha for Secretary of the Navy?

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