Buried in the bad publicity about Washington's dysfunctional system is the fact that our top public school students can go head-to-head with America's best. They win National History Day competitions and get snapped up by Ivy League colleges, often with millions in scholarships. Every official from our mayor on down is focused on promoting further excellence and achievement.Let's put aside the fact sending their kids to a public school would create headaches for the Secret Service. But do these people realistically expect the Obamas to send their kids to a public school when in Chicago they had that same opportunity and sent their kids to an elite private school?
Like any Washington couple, Barack and Michelle Obama naturally want the best learning environment for their children. Politics aside, they could not have landed in a better town for "education consumers." We are the country's petri dish for school choice. Scores of traditional public school students crisscross the city each day for classrooms far beyond their neighborhood boundaries.
As chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) from 1995 to 2001, Barack Obama helped distribute $49.2 million to help improve Chicago’s public schools, a task for the CAC that two studies showed had little or no impact on improving public education.Nobody should be under any illusion their kids will be going to public schools in DC. When are people going to figure it out? Liberal politicians are all talk when it comes to public schools. They have to do that since they have the teacher's unions in their back pocket. You want vouchers or home schooling? Nope, can't do it. You're the suckers. You have to send your kids to public schools.
Despite his work to improve Chicago’s public schools, the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee sends his two daughters to the University of Chicago’s Laboratory School, a prestigious private school in Chicago – and he opposes school vouchers, which would allow parents to send their kids to the school of their choice.
The Obamas and their ilk? They're above you.
Haven't you figured it out yet?
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