
Friday, January 02, 2009

Heroic Construction Worker Survives Four-Foot Plunge at New Yankee Stadium; Senator-Select-in-Waiting Kennedy Bestows 'Profiles-in-Courage' Award

The man survived a four-foot plunge. Shit, I'm six-foot-three. Every time I fall over that's a longer trip to the ground, especially if I land on my head. Not that that has ever happened before.

Seriously, this guy falls four fucking feet and this is news?
A construction worker at the new Yankee Stadium has been taken to a hospital after falling 4 feet off scaffolding.

The city Department of Buildings says the worker was jolted off the mobile scaffold when one of its wheels hit a drain Friday afternoon.

Firefighters earlier estimated the fall at 12 feet, but the buildings agency later said it was shorter.

The Yankees say the worker was hospitalized for observation after the minor accident.

Buildings spokesman Tony Sclafani says the worker initially declined medical attention but was taken to a hospital as a precaution.
This dude will be living large on the NYC tab. Mark it down for about a million bucks per foot.

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